Niels de Fraguier is a young leader and ecopreneur committed to empowering individuals and restoring Earth systems. With a background at the intersection of youth, sport, and sustainability, he has led multiple impact initiatives empowering communities across Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Committed to building a new paradigm going beyond current notions of sustainability, Niels invests all his energy in elevating human potential, building capacity and empowering networks for change. He co-founded Positive, an ecosystem empowering changemakers to shift our economy from extraction and exploitation to equity and regeneration by co-creating Regenerative Solutions. Niels has been working across the private, public, and non-profit sectors collaborating with grassroots and international organisations such as the United Nations, Council of Europe, as well as the International Olympic Committee.

Niels de Fraguier

Niels de Fraguier

Book Author

Author of The Regenerative Enterprise. Disrupting the status quo by challenging assumptions, practices, and conventional thinking. Top Writer on Sustainability